venerdì 16 gennaio 2015


Simon Matravers is a name that's not forgotten in the true Doom community. He sang on the two classic SOLSTICE-Releases 'Lamentations' (1994) and ‚Halcyon' (1996) until alcohol and senseless quarrels forced him out of the band. But Matravers always has kept an eye (or ear) on the so called scene.

Legends like DEEP PURPLE, BLACK SABBATH, DIO or RAINBOW influenced him the same way that he gave his respect to Robert Lowe, Messiah Marcolin and to new artists like
 Michael Stavrakakis (DOOMOCRACY) or Rich McCoy (MAJESTY IN RUIN).

Now Simon finally has come out with the first songs of his solo project MATRAVIAN. A first sign of life was the digital release of the song 'Discarded Symphony', which had to be understood as a harbinger of the present two-song CD single. Simons vocal performance is simply stunning, the first (nine minute!) song `Angelcynn' starts acoustically and turns into a merciless monster. Without a concise refrain Simon crowns the climax with a rather quiet and fragile lament ('Remember ancient voices shout, be Anglecynn again! - remember, rememember honoured -be or be slain!'). The second song on this single is the seven minutes long 'The Prince‘. Awesome guitars and singing - Simon’s great teacher Rich Walker cannot be overheared on this one.

MATRAVIAN - highly recommended not only for SOLSTICE disciples!

(8/10 POINTS)

Michael Haifl


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